
Din avgränsning ger 39 träffar.

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  • 2009:37 Forsmarks kärnkraftverk och Nationell radiologisk omgivningskontroll. Europeiska kommissionens kontroll enligt artikel 35

    En kontrollgrupp från Europeiska kommissionen besökte den 9–12 februari 2009 Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten, SSM, Försvarets forskningsinstitut, FOI och Forsmarks kärnkraftverk, för att utföra en granskning enligt artikel 35 i Euratomfördraget. Den här rapporten är en sammanställning av det underlag som Sverige lämnat till Europeiska...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2009:36 Recent Research on EMF and Health Risks. Sixth annual report from SSM:s independent Expert Group on Electromagnetic Fields 2009

    A large number of cell studies are done on both genotoxic and non-genotoxic outcomes, such as apoptosis gene expression. There are no new positive findings from cellular studies that have been well established in terms of experimental quality and replication. Potential heating of the samples is still seen as a major source of artefacts. Moreover, these few positive results are not related to...

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  • 2009:38 Research and Development Program in Reactor Diagnostics and Monitoring with Neutron Noise Methods, Stages 14 and 15

    This report constitutes Stages 14 and 15 of a long-term research and development program concerning the development of diagnostics and monitoring methods for nuclear reactors. Stage 14 was a full one-year project, whereas Stage 15 consisted of a half-year project. Results up to Stage 13 were reported in SKI reports, as listed below and in the Summary. The results have also been published in...

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  • 2009:35 Evaluation of SKB/Posiva’s report on the horizontal alternative of the KBS-3 method

    The KBS-3 method, based on multiple barriers, is the proposed spent fuel disposal method both in Sweden and Finland. The method has two design alternatives: the vertical (KBS-3V) and the horizontal (KBS-3H). SKB and Posiva have conducted a joint research, development and demonstration (RD&D) programme in 2002-2007 with the overall aim of establishing whether the KBS-3H represents a...

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  • 2009:33 Workshop on spent fuel performance, radionuclide chemistry and geosphere transport parameters, Lidingö 2008: Overview and evaluation of recent SKB procedures

    The safety assessment for disposal of spent nuclear fuel canister in the Swedish bedrock should thoroughly address the time period after a containment failure. Such a failure could be expected as a result of corrosion damage or mechanical failure due to rock movement. This report mainly covers some issues connected to parameters used for radionuclide transport calculations in the areas of...

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  • 2009:32 On Younger Stakeholders and Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities

    An appropriate balance in this regard must be based on a proper understanding of the values and value functions of younger citizens. Such information must thus be an integral part of the knowledge base to be used when plans and processes are being developed for dismantling and decommissioning of nuclear power plants and other older nuclear facilities. In the present project, empirical data...

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  • 2009:31 A Review of the Decommissioning Costs of the Ranstad Site

    The main objective of this study has been to review the future cost to decommission and dismantling the industrial area at the site of the old uranium mine at Ranstad in Sweden. Analyses of some detailed comparative empirical information have been used in the context of preliminary “bench-marking” studies. The estimated costs for decommissioning of the old uranium mine in Ranstad have been...

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  • 2009:28 Biogeochemistry of Redox at Repository Depth and Implications for the Canister

    The present groundwater chemical conditions at the candidate sites for a spent nuclear fuel repository in Sweden (the Forsmark and Laxemar sites) and processes affecting its future evolution comprise essential conditions for the evaluation of barrier performance and long-term safety. This report reviews available chemical sampling information from the site investigations at the candidate...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2009:30 A Review of Evidence for Corrosion of Copper by water

    The planned spent nuclear fuel repository in Sweden relies on a copper cast iron canister as the primary engineered barrier. The corrosion behaviour of copper in the expected environment needs to be thoroughly understood as a basis for the post-closure safety analysis. It has been shown that corrosion may indeed be the primary canister degradation process during the utilised assessment period...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2009:29 Nationell plan för allt radioaktivt avfall

    Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten (SSM) har fått i uppdrag av regeringen att ta fram en nationell plan för allt radioaktivt avfall. Denna rapport utgör redovisning av uppdraget och överlämnades till regeringen 30 juni 2009. Rapporten har tagits fram i samverkan med representanter för myndigheter, branschorganisationer, verksamhetsutövare och andra aktörer.

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