On 16th March 2011 the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company, SKB, submitted applications for licences to construct a spent nuclear fuel encapsulation facility in Oskarshamn and a repository for final disposal of the encapsulated fuel in Forsmark. SKB’s applications are currently being reviewed by the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority, SSM, and the Land and Environmental Court in Nacka. SSM is undertaking a phased review of the safety assessment. Currently, an Initial Review Phase is being undertaken, where the overall objective is to identify requirements for complementary information and clarifications from SKB. This report provides a review of SKB’s methodology for handling FEPs (features, events and processes) in SR-Site.
SKB’s analysis and handling of FEPs has included the establishment of the SR-Site FEP Database, including the SR-Site FEP catalogue that contains all FEPs that are considered in the safety assessment. The development of the FEP Database has followed an iterative process over many years using a systematic methodology. SKB has undertaken checks to ensure consistency with FEP databases developed in other countries. SKB’s approach builds confidence that the broad range of different factors that could influence the performance of the repository over timescales of concern has been considered in the SR-Site safety assessment.