2023:10 General data in accordance with the requirements in Article 37 of the Euratom Treaty

Oskarshamn Very Low-level Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility, MLA3, Sweden


The recommendation of the European Commission of 11 October 2010 on the application of Article 37 of the Euratom Treaty (2010/635/Euratom) requires each member state to provide the Commission with general data related to nuclear activities, as for instance construction and operation of nuclear waste repositories. The purpose is to make it possible to determine whether the implementation of the activities is likely to result in radioactive contamination of the water, soil or air of another member state.

This report describes the consequences of construction and operation of a near surface disposal facility (landfill) for very low-level radioactive waste (MLA3) at the Oskarshamn Nuclear Power Plant. The total amount of waste will amount to a maximum of 18,000 m3. The repository is planned to receive waste from decommissioning of the two nuclear reactors Oskarshamn 1 and 2 as well as waste from the operation of the reactor Oskarshamn 3. In addition to waste from OKG, waste generated during the operation of the interim storage facility for spent nuclear fuel (Clab) and waste generated from the decommissioning of two nuclear reactors in Barsebäck in the south of Sweden is planned to be disposed of at MLA3.

The presented information regarding radioactive discharges to air or water at normal operation of the landfill, at unplanned events and accidents as well as during the post-closure period indicate that there will be no releases that will give measurable dose levels in other member states.

Discharges to water via leachate are assessed to be the dominant pathway for spreading of nuclides and gives the highest dose contribution. Radiological discharges to air are not expected to occur due to the dense construction of the repository cap and the characteristics of the deposited waste.

The dose to the individual of the public most likely receiving the highest dose, due to expected releases from the facility is estimated to be less than 1.3 nanosievert per year (nSv/y). The dose to the individual of the public most likely receiving the highest dose due to unexpected events, such as degraded technical barriers and fire, is calculated to be less than 1 microsievert per year (µSv/y). In the event that a drinking water well is established in the vicinity of the facility, or in the case that contaminated soil is used for agricultural purposes the doses are estimated to be up to 2 µSv/y.

If the assessed maximum exposure levels from discharges during normal conditions to adults, children and infants in the vicinity of the facility are below 0.01 mSv per year and there are no exceptional pathways of exposure, e.g. involving the export of foodstuff, no data on effective dose in other affected member states are required. The doses to a person of the public most likely to receive the highest dose are well below the specified limits. Any data on effective dose in other affected member states are therefore not required.

Data and models used for the calculations have been chosen to ensure that the results are not underestimating the discharges and doses.