Säkerhet vid kärnkraftverken

Din avgränsning ger 88 träffar.

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  • 99:29 Erosionkorrosion

    Behnaz Aghili SKI Svenska...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 99:34 APRI 3 - Accident Phenomena of Risk Importance

    Final report...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 98:10 Säkerhets- och strålskyddsläget vid de svenska kärnkraftverken 1997

    SKI bedömer att säkerhetsarbetet vid de svenska kärnkraftverken under 1997 på ett påtagligt sätt har bidragit till att vidmakthålla och utveckla säkerheten vid anläggningarna. De händelser som inträffat, de fel som upptäckts i samband med provningar och kontroller samt de utrednings- och analysarbeten som genomförts har medfört...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 1997:40 Aging of Electrical Components in Nuclear Power Plants

    The purpose of the study reported in SKl Technical Report 93:39 was to evaluate qualification methods for application to components intended to be installed in the containment of nuclear power plants. The study included application of Arrhenius' criterion for thermal aging as well as methodologies for updating (curve-matching, ongoing qualification). This report reviews the results of...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 1997:12 Study of International Published Experiences in Joining Copper and Copper-alloys

    This study has revealed a number of joining processes to be used when manufacturing copper-canisters for the final storage of high level nuclear waste. However, the decision on which material and which joining process to be used has to be based on the design criterions. The welding procedure has to be qualified i.e, it shall be demonstrated whether the procedure is capable of fulfilling...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 1996:70 Risks from Nuclear Waste

    The first part of this review discusses the importance of risk. Man seems to have a longing for risks, like a part of the human nature. If risks are missing, they have to be invented, as needed parts in the emotional attraction of sports, amusement parks, traveling, etc.; this is the emotional part of risk. There is also a rational part of risk, in selecting such objects in ordinary life big...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 96:71 Säkerhets- och strålskyddsläget vid de svenska kärnkraftverken 1995-96

    Revisionsavställningarna för vissa av reaktorerna blev längre än vad som var planerat detta år, till följd av utökade kontroller och reparationer. Detta har påverkat drifttillgängligheten. Antalet rapporterade händelser har legat på oförändrad nivå jämfört med tidigare år. Sex händelser har klassificerats...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 96:51 The Flooding Incident at the Ågesta Pressurized Heavy Water Nuclear Power Plant

    This report is a Master's thesis in Nuclear Reactor Engineering to be submitted to the SKi (Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate). The work has been performed at the Division of Nuclear Power Safety, KTH,Stockholm. It is an independent investigation of the consequences of the flooding incident at the Agesta HPWR, in Stockholm, Sweden, which occurred on the 1st of May 1969. The issue was raised...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 96:40 Status and Use of PSA in Sweden

    The performance and use of PSA:s in Sweden goes back about two decades. During all of this time, the field of PSA has been developing intensively, both internationally and within Sweden. The latest years have been characterised by an increased use of PSA models and results, and by major extensions of existing PSA models. The aim of this document is to describe PSA in Sweden with respect to...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 1995:60 Reliability of Piping System Components -Volume 3: A Bibliography of Technical Papers and Reports Related to Piping Reliability

    Reflecting on older analysis practices, passive components failures seldom receive explicit treatment in PSA. to expand the usefulness of PSA and to raise the realism in plant and system models the Swedish Nuclear power Inspectorate has undertaken a multi-year research project to establish a comprehensive passive components database, validate failure rate parameter estimates and model...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer