
Din avgränsning ger 309 träffar.

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  • 2011:20 A Guidebook for Evaluating Organizations in the Nuclear Industry – an example of safety culture evaluation

    Organizations in the nuclear industry need to maintain an overview on their vulnerabilities and strengths with respect to safety. Systematic periodical self- assessments are necessary to achieve this overview. This guidebook provides suggestions and examples to assist power companies but also external evaluators and regulators in carrying out organizational evaluations. Organizational...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2009:06 Bonussystem och dess inverkan på säkerheten: en intervjubaserad pilotstudie vid de svenska kärnkraftverken

    Pilotstudien åsyftade att kartlägga och analysera hur de bonussystem som tillämpas vid de svenska kärnkraftverken påverkar säkerhetsrelaterat beteende och de risker som här kan finnas. För att skapa en tolkningsram granskades belöningars relevans i ljuset av dels ett brett spektrum av teorier om motivation, dels empiri rörande belöningars...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2008:32 Erfarenheter från International CCF Data Exchangeprojektet (ICDE), Rev 0

    Rapporten ger grundläggande information om common cause failure (CCF) konceptet och insikter från drifterfarenheter om inträffade CCF-händelser i säkerhetsrelaterade komponenter i såväl utländska som inhemska kärnkraftanläggningar. De drifterfarenheter som förmedlas i rapporten är avsedda att utgöra ett planeringshjälpmedel...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2007:33 Analys av mänsklig tillförlitlighet HRA-begreppets tillämpbarhet vid revisionsavställning

    Analyser av mänsklig tillförlitlighet, Human Reliability Analysis (HRA) har använts under en längre tid i kärnkraftverkens probabilistiska säkerhetsanalyser. SKI har nyligen genomfört en utredning om befintliga metoder inom området HRA (litteraturstudie) och hur dessa metoder används av tillståndshavarna för de svenska kärnkraftverken...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2007:22 Safety Management An Introduction to a Frame of Reference Exemplified with Case Studies from Non-Nuclear Contexts

    A systems perspective has been applied on safety management that will be the foundation for the frame of reference the authors intend to build during the three-year long project. The case studies are presented and form illustrations of both high quality safety management and weaknesses of the safety management and take a look at information feedback about the risks of the systems. An...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2005:60 Research and Service Experience with Environmentally-Assisted Cracking in Carbon and Low-Alloy Steels in High-Temperature Water

    In this report, the most relevant aspects of research and service experience with environmentally assisted cracking of carbon and low-alloy steels in high-temperature water are reviewed, with special emphasis on the primary pressure-boundary components of boiling water reactors. The main factors controlling the susceptibility to environmentally assisted cracking under light water reactor...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 02:4 Qualification of Electrical Components in Nuclear Power Plants. Management of Ageing

    The work was finished and reported in Swedish in a limited publication 2000, Ingemansson Rapport H-14061-r-I. As the performed work was regarded to be of more general interest it is published again as a research report by the Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate. To be used in the international cooperation in nuclear safety it was also translated into English by the inspectorate, which is this...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2020:02 Models for axial gas flow and mixing in LWR fuel rods

    SSM perspective Background Fission gases inside a fuel rod plays an important role in the behaviour of the fuel, both during normal operation and during events and accidents. Fission gases are released from inside the fuel pellets to the gap between the pellet and the cladding tube and then flow to the plenum volume at the top of the fuel rod. In high burnup fuel, this axial flow to the...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2012:61 Geochemical Constraints on Buffer Pore Water Evolution and Implications for Erosion

    Mineralogical data from the Forsmark Site show that smectite and calcite occur at all depths in Forsmark fractures, with no evidence for removal/dissolution by previous glacial episodes.  This natural analogue information implies that these minerals may not have been eroded/dissolved during previous glacial episodes. Available thermodynamic data suggest that repository-depth Forsmark...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2011:03 On Decommissioning Cost for Nuclear Power Plants

    This research report summarizes what has changed over the latest 15 years concerning actual and estimated costs for the D&D of nuclear power plants that have been shut down permanently. It also reports on the availability of detailed information for actual nuclear power plant D&D cost breakdowns. The results will be one supporting document in the review of the estimates submitted for...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer