
Din avgränsning ger 309 träffar.

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  • Förbättrad kunskap om härdsmältor stärker strålsäkerheten på sikt

    För att bibehålla och utveckla den höga strålsäkerheten vid de svenska kärnkraftverken bedrivs sedan början av 1990-talet forskning inom svåra haverier. Den senaste rapporten från svenska APRI-projektet (Accident Phenoma of Risk Importance) visar flera framsteg för att förstå processerna bättre. En lärdom från ett verkligt...

    Innehållstyp: Nyheter
  • Poddavsnitt 22: Sievert och pionjärerna – Strålsäkerhetens historia del 1.

    Samma år som Henri Becquerel upptäckte radioaktiviteten, 1896, föddes en person som skulle få stor betydelse för strålskyddet och radiofysiken i Sverige och internationellt, Rolf Maximilian Sievert.

    Innehållstyp: Artiklar
  • 2015:43 Robust structural verification of pressurized nuclear components subjected to ratcheting

    Background Pressurized components in nuclear applications that are subjected to cyclic loading may exhibit progressive deformation, so called structural ratcheting. If the component is made out of a material that are deformation hardening, it may also exhibit material ratcheting. The combined effects of structural- and material ratcheting are not taken into account in the methods and material...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2015:11 Investigation of the Distribution of Phosphorus in Copper

    Two copper alloys containing different amounts of phosphorus, 6 and 80 wtppm, respectively, have been investigated. The matrix of both alloys was analysed using atom probe tomography (APT). The matrix P concentration in the 80 wtppm P mate- rial was about the same as the bulk concentration and it was therefore concluded that the majority of the P atoms resides in the matrix. Grain boundaries...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2016:27 Validation of fatigue fracture mechanics approaches

    Background In a previous study (SSM research report 2015:38) fatigue experiments were performed on welded austenitic stainless steel piping components. The fatigue experiments offer an opportunity to evaluate fatigue flaw tolerance assessments used in industry, which are based on the fracture mechanical approach implemented in ProSACC. Objective The present study aims to validate the used...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2016:29 Evaluation of the Swedish participation in the Halden Reactor Project 2006–2014

    This is a report on the evaluation of the Swedish participation in the Halden Reactor Project 2006-2014. The study has consisted in evaluating the types and extent of added value from the Swedish participation in the Halden Reactor Project, and to determine what additional added value the participation could supply for the Swedish authority. It can be concluded from the study that the impacts...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2014:20 An evaluation of high-temperature creep of zirconium alloys: data versus models

    In this report Dr Massih presents correlations for creep in different phases of zirconium alloys and also presents a general solution to the difficulty of accurately describing the material properties in phase transition for several zirconium alloys. Based upon superplasticity relations, models are adapted to fit with experimental data for materials in transition regions. The creep models are...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2014:13 Förutsättningar för att upprätthålla och utveckla en välfungerande verksamhet kring erfarenhetsåterföring

    Studien har bland annat omfattat att utreda eventuella hinder för tillståndshavarna att upprätthålla och utveckla en effektiv verksamhet kring erfarenhetsåterföring. Studien visade att de största hindren inom de studerade kärnkraftverken ligger i tids- och resursbrist samt i avsaknad av systemstöd och metoder för utvärdering. Processerna förefaller...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2010:22 Research and Development Program in Reactor Diagnostics and Monitoring with Neutron Noise Methods, Stage 16

    This report constitutes Stage 16 of a long-term research and development program concerning the development of diagnostics and monitoring methods for nuclear reactors. Results up to Stage 15 were reported in SKI and SSM reports, as listed below and in the Summary. The results have also been published in international journals and have been included in both licentiate- and doctor’s degrees.

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2011:20 A Guidebook for Evaluating Organizations in the Nuclear Industry – an example of safety culture evaluation

    Organizations in the nuclear industry need to maintain an overview on their vulnerabilities and strengths with respect to safety. Systematic periodical self- assessments are necessary to achieve this overview. This guidebook provides suggestions and examples to assist power companies but also external evaluators and regulators in carrying out organizational evaluations. Organizational...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer