
Din avgränsning ger 309 träffar.

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  • 2023:14 Effect of gamma-irradiation on the redox states of the structural iron in bentonite clay

    SSM perspective Background Bentonite clay is used as buffer and backfill material which form engineered barrier in the spent fuel repository. The buffer material surrounding the copper canister will be exposed to gamma and neutron radiations, especially during the first few hundred years after closure of the repository. The redox states of the structural iron in montmorillonite, the dominant...

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  • 2022:17 Spricktillväxtmätning i tryckkärlsstål med mellanhög svavelhalt och kloridtransienter

    SSM perspektiv Bakgrund De svenska kokvattenreaktorerna av internpumpstyp körs alla med normal­vattenkemi. I laboratorieförsök har en tydlig känslighet för spännings­korrosion i låglegerat tryckkärlsstål vid normalvattenkemi och förhöjd svavelhalt i materialet eller sulfat/kloridkontamination i vattnet kunnat påvisas. På...

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  • Betalningsgaranti

    Du behöver Adobe Acrobat Reader för att kunna läsa och fylla i PDF-blanketter. SSM Svenska...

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  • 2020:02 Models for axial gas flow and mixing in LWR fuel rods

    SSM perspective Background Fission gases inside a fuel rod plays an important role in the behaviour of the fuel, both during normal operation and during events and accidents. Fission gases are released from inside the fuel pellets to the gap between the pellet and the cladding tube and then flow to the plenum volume at the top of the fuel rod. In high burnup fuel, this axial flow to the...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2012:61 Geochemical Constraints on Buffer Pore Water Evolution and Implications for Erosion

    Mineralogical data from the Forsmark Site show that smectite and calcite occur at all depths in Forsmark fractures, with no evidence for removal/dissolution by previous glacial episodes.  This natural analogue information implies that these minerals may not have been eroded/dissolved during previous glacial episodes. Available thermodynamic data suggest that repository-depth Forsmark...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2011:03 On Decommissioning Cost for Nuclear Power Plants

    This research report summarizes what has changed over the latest 15 years concerning actual and estimated costs for the D&D of nuclear power plants that have been shut down permanently. It also reports on the availability of detailed information for actual nuclear power plant D&D cost breakdowns. The results will be one supporting document in the review of the estimates submitted for...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2010:18 Radionuclide Transport: Preparation During 2009 for the SR-Site Review

    Post-closure safety assessments for nuclear waste repositories involve radioecological modelling for an underground source term. Following several decades of research and development, the Swedish Nuclear Waste Management Company (SKB) is approaching a phase of license application. According to SKB’s plans, an application to construct a geological repository will be submitted by the end of...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2007:03 Variability and Uncertainties of Key Hydrochemical Parameters for SKB Sites

    An important part of the site investigations conducted by the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company (SKB) is the characterisation of groundwater chemical conditions in the deep bedrock environment where a final repository for spent nuclear fuel is planned to be located. This work is currently in its final stages at the two candidate sites, Forsmark and Laxemar, and should be...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2007:07 DECOVALEX-THMC Project - Task A

    This report presents the definition of the first phase, Task A-1, of the Task A of the international DECOVALEX project. The task is a working example of how interaction between THMC modelling and SA analysis could be performed. Starting with the technical definition of the Task A, the report presents the results of preliminary THM calculations with a purpose of an initial appreciation of the...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2016:35 Säkerhetsvärdering mot plastisk kollaps vid skadetålighetsanalyser

    Bakgrund Proceduren som används för brottmekanisk analys av defekter och inspektionsintervall för komponenter i svenska kärntekniska anläggningar utgår från den brittiska R6-metoden men är vidareutvecklad för att ha ett säkerhetsvärderingssystem som är kompatibelt med säkerhetskraven som uttrycks i den amerikanska tryckkärlsstandarden...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer