
Din avgränsning ger 25 träffar.

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  • 2017:32 COMRAD – Comprehensive investigation of the performance of computed and digital radiography

    Background Within the industry, there has long been a need to replace the traditional X-ray film and its handling. These both for economic and environmental considerations. Both computed radiography and ... traditional use of x-ray with film. However, the transition from film-based radiography requires in-depth knowledge of the relationship between these different methods. NUGENIA proposed in the ENIQ Task...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2016:39 Recommended residual stress profiles for stainless steel pipe welds

    Technology in Sweden to analyze stainless steel pipe welds to obtain good estimations of weld residual stress (WRS) distributions. Detailed knowledge of the residual stress field in different types of welds ... have been performed by using 2-dimensinal finite element technique for a set of cases covering most stainless steel pipe welds in Swedish nuclear power plants, together with sensitivity studies with respect...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2016:37 PARTRIDGE project: Review and evaluation of the probabilistic fracture mechanics code PRO-LOCA

    financed Inspecta Technology in Sweden to evaluate the PRO-LOCA code. It is a computer code, developed by Battelle in the USA, in which the leak- and rupture probabilities of piping in nuclear power plants are ... The pipe systems may contain the damage mechanisms fatigue and/or stress corrosion cracking. In the report, the results are presented for evaluating PRO-LOCA, version 4.1.9. The report contains a sensitivity...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2017:05 Robust structural verification of pressurized nuclear components subjected to ratcheting, part two – stress-strain curves for cyclic elastoplastic analysis.

    Pressurized components in nuclear applications that are subjected to cyclic loading may exhibit progressive deformation, so called structural ratcheting. If the component is made out of a material that are ... ratcheting. The combined effects of structural- and material ratcheting are not taken into account in the methods and material models currently used for structural verification of pressurized nuclear components...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2017:16 Stress intensity factor solutions for circumferential cracks in cylindrical bars under axisymmetric loading and global bending

    Background The case of a circumferential crack in a cylindrical bar has not been available in the ProSACC code. The need for such a geometry, especially considering nonlinear axisymmetric loading and global ... development of new stress intensity factor solutions, also known as K-solutions. These new K-solutions will be available in ISAAC, the successor to ProSACC. Objectives The objective is to implement a capability...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2017:19 Numerical simulations of headed anchors break in reinforced and non-reinforced concrete structures, Phase 2

    Background In the design of anchorage equipment in concrete structures the beneficial effects of reinforcement are, in most cases, not considered. The American ASCI 349-06 code opens up for a more detailed ... impact of reinforcement on anchor capacity can be taken into account. How this analysis can be done is, however, not explicitly described in the code. The response of mechanically loaded anchors in reinforced...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2017:20 Assessment of inertia effects on transient clad-to-coolant heat transfer and coolant flow under reactivity initiated accidents

    In this report, simple hydrodynamic models are used for studying the effects of coolant inertia on fuel-to-coolant heat transfer and coolant flow under reactivity initiated accidents in light water reactors ... warrant modification of QT-COOL, a coolant channel module for two-phase flow that has recently been implemented as an optional model in the SCANAIR fuel rod analysis program. The results of our study suggest...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2017:01 Stabilitet och flexibilitet i ledningssystem

    ska ledas, styras, utvärderas och utvecklas med stöd av ett ledningssystem som är utformat så att kraven på säkerhet uppfylls. Ledningssystemet, inklusive tillhörande rutiner och instruktioner, ska hållas ... hållas aktuellt och vara dokumenterat. SSM ställer också krav på att tillämpningen av ledningssystemet, dess ändamålsenlighet och effektivitet ska undersökas av en revisionsfunktion som har en fristående ställning...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • Ansökan om tillstånd för verksamhet med joniserande strålning

    joniserande strålning. Utöver tillståndsblanketten måste ytterligare information om verksamheten skickas in. Se instruktionerna. Du behöver Adobe Acrobat Reader för att kunna läsa och fylla i PDF-blanketter ... registraturen via e-post. Ansökningsavgifter för verksamheter enligt 5 a § i avgiftsförordningen SSM Vissa tillståndsansökningar är, i enlighet med 5 a § i avgiftsförordningen, förenade med en ansökningsavgift som...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • Hälsodeklaration för arbete med joniserande strålning

    Strålsäkerhetsmyndighetens föreskrifter (SSMFS 2018:1) om grundläggande bestämmelser för tillståndspliktig verksamhet med joniserande strålning ställer krav på ett giltigt tjänstbarhetsintyg. Läkarundersökningen ... intervall som bestäms av läkaren i samråd med arbetstagaren. Däremellan skickas en hälsodeklaration in årligen.

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer