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Din avgränsning ger 3 träffar.

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  • 2007:06 Probabilistic Safety Goals - Phase 1 -Status and Experiences in Sweden and Finland

    Based on a series of interviews and on literature reviews as well as on a limited interna- tional over-view, the project has described the history and current status of safety goals in Sweden and Finland. A number of issues were discussed more in detail, including the status of the safety goals in view of the fact that they are often exceeded, strategies for handling violations of safety...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2007:41 Dependency Analysis Guidence, Nordic/German Working Group on Common cause Failure analysis Phaase 1 project report: Comparison and application to test cases

    The report “Nordic/German Working Group on Common cause Failure analysis. Phase 1 project report: Comparisons and application to test cases” presents a common attempt by the authorities and the utilities ... component impairments, time differences and shared cause assessment. Following the conclusions of phase 1 it was decided to proceed with a second phase of the project. The objectives for phase 2 wibe to establish...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2007:05 Development of an Input Model to MELCOR 1.8.5 for Oskarshamn 3 BWR

    An input model has been prepared for the Oskarshamn 3 rector. Demonstrations calculations, at current nominal operating conditions in Oskarshamn 3 for 3300 MW thermal power, were performed ... nominal operating conditions in Oskarshamn 3 for 3300 MW thermal power, were performed for three cases: (1) initial, steady-state conditions, (2) total loss of AC power and (3) large steam line LOCA. The results...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer