
Din avgränsning ger 309 träffar.

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  • Kärnkraftsindustrins forsknings- och utvecklingsprogram för avfallshantering kan godkännas

    Kärnkraftsindustrins forsknings- och utvecklingsprogram för att ta hand om avfallet från kärnkraftverken lever upp till lagens krav. Det konstaterar Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten i ett yttrande till regeringen. Det är därefter regeringen som fattar beslut om programmet kan godkännas.

    Innehållstyp: Nyheter
  • Redovisning klar inför IAEA-granskning av Sveriges kärnsäkerhet och strålskydd

    Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten är klar med sitt underlag inför IAEA:s granskning om hur väl Sverige lever upp till internationella riktlinjer inom kärnsäkerhet och strålskydd. Granskningen görs var tionde år av personal från IAEA och äger rum 14 – 25 november.

    Innehållstyp: Nyheter
  • 96:40 Status and Use of PSA in Sweden

    The performance and use of PSA:s in Sweden goes back about two decades. During all of this time, the field of PSA has been developing intensively, both internationally and within Sweden. The latest years have been characterised by an increased use of PSA models and results, and by major extensions of existing PSA models. The aim of this document is to describe PSA in Sweden with respect to...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2007:02e Radiation Environment in Sweden, summary

    The radiation environment to which the population of Sweden is exposed is dominated by medical investigations and background radiation from the ground and building materials in our houses. That is the conclusion of the first general Swedish summary of environmental monitoring data and dose calculations within the field of radiation. The report shows that people’s behaviour in the form of...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • SSMFS 2018:9 Strålsäkerhetsmyndighetens föreskrifter om godkända persondosimetritjänster

    I SSMFS 2018:9 har ändringar förts in genom SSMFS 2021:2.

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • Godkända persondosimetritjänster

    Personal som arbetar med joniserande strålning och som delas in i kategori A ska bära persondosimeter. Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten godkänner persondosimetritjänster. På den här sidan listas de av myndigheten godkända dosimetritjänsterna hos olika persondosimetrilaboratorier.

    Innehållstyp: Artiklar
  • 2017:32 COMRAD – Comprehensive investigation of the performance of computed and digital radiography

    Background Within the industry, there has long been a need to replace the traditional X-ray film and its handling. These both for economic and environmental considerations. Both computed radiography and digital radiography offer many advantages over the traditional use of x-ray with film. However, the transition from film-based radiography requires in-depth knowledge of the relationship...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2017:22 Effect of weld repairs on residual stresses in nickel base dissimilar metal welds

    Background The driving force for crack growth near welds in nuclear application piping may arise from weld residual stresses. Experience from nondestructive examination show that cracks in dissimilar metal welds are often found near weld repairs. The repair welding may affect the residual stresses through e.g. increased tensile stresses and increased plastic straining on the surfaces of the...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2017:05 Robust structural verification of pressurized nuclear components subjected to ratcheting, part two – stress-strain curves for cyclic elastoplastic analysis.

    Background Pressurized components in nuclear applications that are subjected to cyclic loading may exhibit progressive deformation, so called structural ratcheting. If the component is made out of a material that are deformation hardening, it may also exhibit material ratcheting. The combined effects of structural- and material ratcheting are not taken into account in the methods and material...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2011:26 The influence of temperature and fluid pressure on the fracture network evolution around deposition holes of a KBS-3V concept at Forsmark, Sweden

    In preparation for the review of SKB’s license application for disposal of spent nuclear fuel, SSM is conducting studies to evaluate the performance of the multi-barrier principle on which the KBS-3 concept is based. Copper canisters containing the spent nuclear fuel are placed into granitic bedrock at about 500 m depth and embedded in clay. Thus, the rock, the clay and the copper canister...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer