
Din avgränsning ger 258 träffar.

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  • 2007:25 Safety Management Characteristics Reflected in Interviews at Swedish Nuclear Power Plants: A System Perspective Approach

    The study used the themes identified in an earlier study: definitions of safety management, the structure of the organizations, organizational change, regulatory and operational activities, safety strategy ... aspects of safety management in the nuclear context. reporting, and measurement of safety. The results give interesting insights and important reminders on different aspects of safety management in the nuclear...

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  • 2011:16 Modelling of ultrasonic testing of cracks in cladding

    decades, SSM has supported research to develop a model for the non-destructive test situation based on ultrasonic technique. Such a model is important in many ways, for example to supplement and plan experimental ... parametric studies in qualification situation. Modeling can be a useful tool when the inspection system shall be technically justified. Many functions have been added to the model UTDefect and in this step propagation...

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  • 2019:01 Research within technical safeguard at Uppsala university during 2016-20

    University has since January 2016 undertaken an extensive research programme in technical nuclear safeguards within the framework of contract SSM2016-661, including in total 3 PhD students and 7 senior researchers ... assessment of irradiated nuclear fuel assemblies using the Digital Cherenkov Viewing Device; (2) Multivariate analysis of gamma spectroscopy data from irradiated nuclear fuel; (3) Neutron assessment of irradiated...

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  • 2019:15 3D Thermo-Mechanical Coupled Modelling of Thermo-Seismic Response of a Fractured Rock Mass related to the Final Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel and Nuclear Waste in Hard Rock

    SSM perspective Background When assessing the long-term safety of a repository for spent nuclear fuel it is important to consider future earthquakes. Previous studies by Yoon et al. (2014, SSM Report 2014:59) ... deformation zones using a 2D thermo-mechanical coupled model that uses a Particle Flow Code (PFC2D, Itasca). The 2D approach limits the investigation to horizontal and vertical cross sections of the Forsmark site...

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  • 2011:02 The Back-End of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle in Sweden, Considerations for safeguards and data handling

    The report is a compilation report consisting of three papers. A safeguards approach for the planned encapsulation facility and the operating final repository is presented in paper 1. Special considerations ... become inaccessible in the final disposal process. A finding according to the paper is that the safeguards approach for the final disposal process should include a gross defect measurement. Furthermore, it...

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  • 2010:09 Copper Thermodynamics in the Repository Environment up to 130˚C

    The mechanisms of copper corrosion for a KBS-3 repository for spent nuclear fuel need to be known with a high level of confidence. This is because the overall rate of copper canister corrosion (accounting ... performance indicator in safety assessment. A complicating boundary condition of the corrosion assessment is the repository thermal evolution, which is initially driven by the decay heat of the disposed spent...

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  • 2011:17 Structural Health Monitoring of Piping in Nuclear Power Plants – A Review of Efficiency of Existing Methods

    Health Monitoring (SHM). SSM needs to investigate the international experiences of SHM from the nuclear industry. SSM also wants to have more information about the capabilities and the limitations of NDE ... methods The first part of the project is to investigate international experiences and potential benefits from the implementation of SHM at nuclear power plants. The second part of the investigation is to...

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  • 2017:22 Effect of weld repairs on residual stresses in nickel base dissimilar metal welds

    force for crack growth near welds in nuclear application piping may arise from weld residual stresses. Experience from nondestructive examination show that cracks in dissimilar metal welds are often found ... increased plastic straining on the surfaces of the piping in contact with the light water reactor environment. This may in turn reduce the margin towards initiation of stress corrosion cracking. Objectives This...

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  • 96:40 Status and Use of PSA in Sweden

    The performance and use of PSA:s in Sweden goes back about two decades. During all of this time, the field of PSA has been developing intensively, both internationally and within Sweden. The latest years ... characterised by an increased use of PSA models and results, and by major extensions of existing PSA models. The aim of this document is to describe PSA in Sweden with respect to development, scope and...

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  • 2016:26 Ensemble for deterministic sampling with positive weights

    The aim of this project is to find a reliable method for determining an ensemble for Deterministic Sampling with only positive weights. This report is intended to work as a presentation of the project ... as well as to work as a beginner’s guide to DS. In the report several methods for generating DS ensembles are presented, which can encode up to four moments and represent any kind of probability distribution...

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