
Din avgränsning ger 20 träffar.

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  • 2011:30 A fatigue analysis including environmental effects for a pipe system in a Swedish BWR

    The effect of the environment on fatigue design has been the subject of intense study in USA, Japan and elsewhere. Several reports indicate a potentially large influence of the environment, leading to ... the proposal of entirely new analysis procedures. SSM has in an earlier project sponsored research to evaluate the technical basis for these proposals, see SSM Research Report 2011:04. In the current report...

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  • 2011:29 Research and Development Program in Reactor Diagnostics and Monitoring with Neutron Noise Methods, Stage 17

    constitutes Stage 17 of a long-term research and development program concerning the development of diagnostics and monitoring methods for nuclear reactors. Results up to Stage 16 were reported in SKI and SSM reports ... as listed below and in the Summary. The results have also been published in international journals and have been included in both licentiate- and doctor’s degrees. The objective of the research program...

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  • 2011:33 Mathematical modelling of ultrasonic testing of components with defects close to a non-planar surface

    that has been performed in order to model ultrasonic testing of components that contain a defect close to a non-planar surface. The studies have been performed in both 2D and 3D, and in 2D in both the anti-plane ... anti-plane (SH) and the in-plane (P-SV). The results show that the presence of a non-planar back wall can reduce the detectability of defects close to the surface. The results show that the corrugated interface...

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  • 2011:16 Modelling of ultrasonic testing of cracks in cladding

    decades, SSM has supported research to develop a model for the non-destructive test situation based on ultrasonic technique. Such a model is important in many ways, for example to supplement and plan experimental ... parametric studies in qualification situation. Modeling can be a useful tool when the inspection system shall be technically justified. Many functions have been added to the model UTDefect and in this step propagation...

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  • 2011:02 The Back-End of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle in Sweden, Considerations for safeguards and data handling

    The report is a compilation report consisting of three papers. A safeguards approach for the planned encapsulation facility and the operating final repository is presented in paper 1. Special considerations ... become inaccessible in the final disposal process. A finding according to the paper is that the safeguards approach for the final disposal process should include a gross defect measurement. Furthermore, it...

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  • 2011:17 Structural Health Monitoring of Piping in Nuclear Power Plants – A Review of Efficiency of Existing Methods

    Health Monitoring (SHM). SSM needs to investigate the international experiences of SHM from the nuclear industry. SSM also wants to have more information about the capabilities and the limitations of NDE ... methods The first part of the project is to investigate international experiences and potential benefits from the implementation of SHM at nuclear power plants. The second part of the investigation is to...

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  • 2011:20 A Guidebook for Evaluating Organizations in the Nuclear Industry – an example of safety culture evaluation

    Organizations in the nuclear industry need to maintain an overview on their vulnerabilities and strengths with respect to safety. Systematic periodical self- assessments are necessary to achieve this overview ... regulators in carrying out organizational evaluations. Organizational evaluation process is divided into five main steps. These are: planning the evaluation framework and the practicalities of the evaluation...

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  • 2011:12 Analysis of Barrier Performance: Modelling of Copper corrosion scenarios with and without buffer erosion

    The purpose of this project was to develop a numerical modelling capacity to address the corrosion of the copper canister under gradually changing transport conditions caused by buffer erosion and removal ... removal of buffer mass. Due to the complexity of this task, such a model cannot be realistic in all respects, but the present effort should address the feasibility of solving numerical and computational problems...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2011:26 The influence of temperature and fluid pressure on the fracture network evolution around deposition holes of a KBS-3V concept at Forsmark, Sweden

    In preparation for the review of SKB’s license application for disposal of spent nuclear fuel, SSM is conducting studies to evaluate the performance of the multi-barrier principle on which the KBS-3 concept ... embedded in clay. Thus, the rock, the clay and the copper canister are acting as barriers in order to retard the possibility of spent fuel to escape the repository and reach the biosphere. During a very long...

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  • 2011:04 Evaluation of the Technical Basis for New Proposals of Fatigue Design of Nuclear Components

    procedures in ASME III is quite old and has now been evaluated against modern data leading to the proposal of modified design curves. Also the effect of the environment has been the subject of intense study ... study in USA, Japan and elsewhere. Several reports indicate a potentially large influence of the environment, leading to the proposal of entirely new calculation procedures. The background for the new design...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer