
Din avgränsning ger 149 träffar.

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  • 2012:33 Technical Note, Review of Groundwater Chemistry in SKB’s Safety Assessment SR-Site

    review examined SKB’s characterization of groundwater chemistry at the Forsmark site and its evolution during long time periods under different possible climates in the future. The review considered whether ... information provided by SKB in the main report of the SR-Site project and in various main and supporting references for the safety report. Overall, SKB’s acquisition and interpretation of groundwater chemistry...

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  • 2014:32 Technical Note, Assessment of the derivation and use of distribution coefficients and concentration ratios – Main Review Phase

    This report presents a review of the approaches and databases which SKB have used to derive concentration ratios (CRs) and distribution coefficients (Kds) to consider if they are robustly derived and fit ... The focus of this review are SKB reports R-10-28 and TR-10-07 which describe the available site specific data and the subsequent derivation of CR and Kd values respectively for application in human assessment...

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  • 2012:17 Technical Note, Corrosion of copper canister

    It is expected that the inflow of ground water to the deposition holes and tunnels in the Forsmark repository will be very slow. Thus, it might take some few hundred years up to thousand years before the ... the deposition holes are filled with ground water and it might take 6000 years or more before the bentonite buffer is fully water saturated and pressurized. The copper canisters will therefore meet to...

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  • 2012:39 Technical Note, Review of Engineering Geology and Rock Engineering aspects of the construction of a KBS-3 repository at the Forsmark site – Initial Review Phase

    In general, the reviewers find that the level of geomechanics data collected and synthesized to date has been impressive in scope and high in quality. The data collected has been incorporated into interlinked ... construction and operational performance of the repository. There are a number of uncertainties in the data and subsequent analyses that are unavoidable when dealing with earth materials. An effort has been...

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  • 2014:10 Technical Note, Rock Mechanics - Confidence of SKB’s models for predicting the occurrence of spalling – Main Review Phase

    is placed in the context of SSM’s Main Review Phase for SKB’s safety assessment SR-Site. The assignment is titled “Rock Mechanics – Confidence of SKB’s models for predicting the occurrence of spalling” ... the authors’ assessment in response to the questions raised by SSM. The review concentrated on two main issues: (1) the analysis of the assumptions made by SKB about the stress field at the planned repository...

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  • 2023:04 Kingdom of Sweden ARTEMIS Self-assessment Report 2023

    Foreword In January 2018, the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority, SSM, submitted a request to the IAEA on behalf of the Swedish Government for international peer reviews to be conducted of the Swedish ... regulation (IRRS) and the safe management of spent fuel and radioactive waste (ARTEMIS). In dialogue with the IAEA, and in support of the then Swedish Ministry of the Environment, it was agreed that the IRRS review...

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  • 2013:33 Technical Note, Seismology – Frequencies and mechanisms. -Initial review phase

    construction and operation of a repository for spent nuclear fuel and for an encapsulation facility. As part of the review, SSM commissions consultants to carry out work in order to obtain information ... results from the consultants’ tasks are reported in SSM’s Technical Note series. This assignment is part of the review regarding the long-term evolution of the rock surrounding the repository. This assignment...

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  • 2023:14 Effect of gamma-irradiation on the redox states of the structural iron in bentonite clay

    barrier in the spent fuel repository. The buffer material surrounding the copper canister will be exposed to gamma and neutron radiations, especially during the first few hundred years after closure of the ... states of the structural iron in montmorillonite, the dominant mineral in bentonite, have been shown to be sensitive to such irradiation in experimental studies using suspended bentonite. The change of the...

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  • 2011:31 Allocation of Decommissioning and Waste Liabilities

    A crucial task for the present generations is to ensure that environmental liabilities are identified sufficiently well so that it may be possible to accumulate the corresponding necessary financial assets ... assets in the Swedish Nuclear Waste Fund. Adequate funding will provide forthcoming generation’s with the financial means to decommission and dismantle older nuclear facilities that are part of the Swedish...

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  • 2023:11 Study of degradation of spent fuel’s structural material and core components under long-term wet storage

    commercial nuclear reactors with a national strategic plan. The fuel and core components are initially stored at the reactor site. After an on-site storage period to comply with transportation limits on decay ... is located in Oskarshamn, Sweden. The Clab facility operates several linked underground storage pools which are expected to have a storage capacity of 11,000 tons. Figure 1 is a photo of one of the underground...

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