
Din avgränsning ger 31 träffar.

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  • 2014:10 Technical Note, Rock Mechanics - Confidence of SKB’s models for predicting the occurrence of spalling – Main Review Phase

    is placed in the context of SSM’s Main Review Phase for SKB’s safety assessment SR-Site. The assignment is titled “Rock Mechanics – Confidence of SKB’s models for predicting the occurrence of spalling” ... the authors’ assessment in response to the questions raised by SSM. The review concentrated on two main issues: (1) the analysis of the assumptions made by SKB about the stress field at the planned repository...

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  • 2014:24 Technical Note, Workshop on biosphere issues

    The objective of this workshop was to bring together experts in the field of radionuclide transport in the biosphere including non-human biota and dose assessment to discuss the findings of the detailed ... detailed reviews performed during the main review phase and to identify any further biosphere review issues. This report describes the outcome of the workshop organized by SSM on Biosphere Issues that was held...

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  • 2014:48 Technical Note, Independent assessment of groundwater sulphide content in the long-te

    sulphide content is a key factor in the determination of canister lifetimes because of its role in corrosion of copper.  SKB has based the canister lifetime analysis on a distribution of measured sulphide ... expert judgement in the selection of samples that are regarded as representative.  The objective of this report is to make an assessment of the validity of SKB’s approach.  Sulphide in groundwater derives...

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  • 2014:20 An evaluation of high-temperature creep of zirconium alloys: data versus models

    In this report Dr Massih presents correlations for creep in different phases of zirconium alloys and also presents a general solution to the difficulty of accurately describing the material properties ... properties in phase transition for several zirconium alloys. Based upon superplasticity relations, models are adapted to fit with experimental data for materials in transition regions. The creep models are developed...

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  • 2014:59 Technical Note, Relation between earthquake magnitude, fracture length and fracture shear displacement in the KBS-3 repository at Forsmark – Main Review Phase

    This study addresses one of several scenarios that could impair the physical integrity of the repository of spent nuclear fuel at the Forsmark site. Two sources of threat are: i) events due to thermal ... thermal loading on the rock mass by the heat from canisters with spent nuclear fuel, and ii) seismic events, i.e. earthquakes, at the nearby deformation zones and zones intersecting the repository area. The effect...

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  • 2014:46 Technical Note, QA in SKB’s Groundwater Flow Modelling

    The general objective of the project is to provide review comments on SKB’s postclosure safety analysis, SR-Site, for the proposed repository at Forsmark. The specific objective is to get an understanding ... understanding and an assessment of SKB’s quality assurance of the groundwater flow modelling in connection to SR-Site. The reliability of the results of the groundwater flow modelling depends inter alia on the...

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  • 2014:33 Technical Note, Reproduction of SKB’s Canister Failure Calculations - What-If and ‘Residual’ Scenario to Illustrate Barrier Functions

    analysis of a range of scenarios in its SR-Site report.  SKB grouped these scenarios into two categories—main and residual.  The main scenario included a likely scenario (corrosion failure) and a less probable ... included two unlikely scenarios—isostatic-load and growing pinhole failures.  For each of the scenarios, SKB analysed a reference case and several variations (created by altering features and processes, and...

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  • 2014:41 Technical Note, Review of Radionuclide Abstraction and Selection in the SKB Safety Case -Main Review Phase

    As part of the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) review of the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company (SKB) SR-Site safety assessment for a spent nuclear fuel repository in Sweden, this ... documents the Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses (CNWRA®) review of the abstraction and selection of radionuclides in the SKB safety case. Specifically, CNWRA evaluated whether the SKB approach...

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  • 2014:38 Technical Note, Detailed assessment of radionuclide Kd-values for the geosphere-main review phase

    Company (SKB) in 2011 to construct and operate a deep geologic repository for spent nuclear fuel at the Forsmark site in the municipality of Östhammar, Sweden.  SKB has presented details of its long-term ... long-term safety assessment, SR-Site, in a main report (SKB, 2011, TR-11-01) and in multiple supporting technical documents that are cited by the main report.  In developing the safety case for SR-Site, SKB identified...

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  • 2014:50 Technical Note, A Study of Availability of Fuel Data for Sweden’s Spent Nuclear Fuel

    The study covers all types spent fuel ... planned to be placed in the final repository. It was carried out by selecting a sample of spent fuel and investigating the information available at the Nuclear Power Plants (NPP’s) in Sweden, the Central...

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