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Din avgränsning ger 46 träffar.

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  • 2009:10 Regleringen av matarvattenflödet i en BWR. Med exempel från Forsmark 2

    Bengt-Göran Bergdahl och Ritsuo Oguma GSE Power Systems AB, Nyköping Datum: Mars 2009 Denna rapport har tagits fram på uppdrag av Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten, SSM. De slutsatser och synpunkter som presenteras ... presenteras i rapporten är förfat- tarens/författarnas och överensstämmer inte nödvändigtvis med SSM:s. SSM perspektiv Bakgrund Säkerheten i kärntekniska anläggningar ska upprätthållas genom att radio- logiska...

    Innehållstyp: Dokument
  • 2009:02 Screening calculations for radioactive waste releases from non-nuclear facilities

    clearly is a conservative assumption for these two nuclides. Sammanfattning Stråldoserna till allmänhet och vissa arbetstagare har beräknats från hanteringen av avfall från icke kärntekniska verksamheter som ... strålkällor. Avfallet går till förbränning eller ut i det kommunala avloppet, både askor från förbränning och slam från vattenreningsver- ket går sedan till deponi. Stråldosen till allmänheten från luftutsläpp...

    Innehållstyp: Dokument
  • 2009:28 Biogeochemistry of Redox at Repository Depth and Implications for the Canister

    involving major climate change. Project Information Project manager: Bo Strömberg Project reference: SSM 2008/280 Project number: 200810237 and 200810238 SSM 2009:28 Content Executive summary........... ... groundwaters at repository depth. The present document describes the tasks carried out during 2008 within the collaborative work. The work is a continuation and development of geo- chemical review...

    Innehållstyp: Dokument
  • 2009:22 Alternative modelling of brittle structures in a sub-area of the SKB candidate area at Forsmark, eastern Sweden

    Sven A. Tirén, Per Askling, Monica Beckholmen and Thomas Sträng. Geosigma AB, Uppsala. Date: November 2008 This report concerns a study which has been conducted for the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority ... within the repository rock volume compared to the SKB model. Project information SSM reference: SSM 2008/147 Responsible at SSM has been Öivind Toverud SSM 2009:22 i Abstract One way to test...

    Innehållstyp: Dokument
  • 2009:24 UV-radiation induced disease – roles of UVA and UVB

    summary, which was publis- hed in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology (vol. 128, p.1875–1877, 2008), as well as this extended summary for the former Swedish Radia- tion Protection Authority, now the ... ............................................................... 12 DNA-skador, deras reparation och inducerade mutationer ............................................... 12 Cellens reaktion på UV-bestrålning...

    Innehållstyp: Dokument
  • 2009:13e 2009 assessment of radiation safety in the Swedish nuclear power plants

    modernisation. Management systems and internal audits have developed in a positive direction. 2008 has been an eventful year in many respects. The nuclear industry is in a very intensive period. Modernisations ... of the reactors. Operational events in 2008 Four events have occurred in 2008 that required SSM’s permission to restart the plant (Category 1, SSMFS 2008:1). One event occurred in each of Oskarshamn...

    Innehållstyp: Dokument
  • 2009:38 Research and Development Program in Reactor Diagnostics and Monitoring with Neutron Noise Methods, Stages 14 and 15

    Responsible at SSM has been Ninos Garis. SKI reference: SKI 2007/1849-200705019 SSM reference: SSM 2008/3214 Previous SKI reports: 95:14 (1995), 96:50 (1996), 97:31 (1997), 98:25 (1998), 99:33 (1999) ... (1999), 00:28 (2000), 01:27 (2001), 2003:08 (2003), 2003:30 (2003), 2004:57 (2004), 2006:34 (2006), 2008:39 SSM 2009:38 Contents Contents ..............................................................

    Innehållstyp: Dokument
  • 2009:05 Survey on requirements for independent reviews and inspections of electrical and I&C equipment

    2626 kB ... I&C equipment Report number: 2009:05 Author/Authors: Karin Byman, Stefan Grönkvist, Anders Egerbo och Thomas Nilsson Name of your company or institution/city and country: ÅF-Consult AB, Sweden Date: Mars ... components. 14 The Finnish Nuclear Energy Decree from 1988 is a supporting document to the Nuclear Energy Act from 1987. Information from STUK-B 80 / September...

    Innehållstyp: Dokument
  • 2009:07 Dependency Analysis Guidance Nordic/German Working Group on Common Cause Failure analysis

    necessarily coincide with those of the SSM. SSM Perspective Background The Regulatory Code SSMFS 2008:1 of Swedish Radiation Safety Autho- rity (SSM) includes requirements regarding the performance of ... the follow-up of these activities is part of the inspection tasks of SSM. According to the SSMFS 2008:1, the safety analyses shall be based on a systematic identification and evaluation of such events...

    Innehållstyp: Dokument
  • 2009:30 A Review of Evidence for Corrosion of Copper by water

    Szakálos et al. (2007) paper. Additional unpublished information presented by Szakálos and Hultquist (2008) has been considered, but be- cause of gaps in the information provided and a lack of detail, BRITE ... 22   OH CuOHCugH o ooo   (Jmol-1, calculated for T = 73oC), (Outotec Ltd, 2008), and taking the activi- ties of Cu(OH)2, Cu and H2O as 1, the equation gives   12 98615))((ln...

    Innehållstyp: Dokument