
Din avgränsning ger 914 träffar.

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  • 2012:43 Technical Note, Literature review of groundwater flow in permafrost

    Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) assigned the task of compiling the state of the knowledge with respect to groundwater flow in permafrost conditions.  In particular, the study was to consider whether (i) ... (i) the main processes related to groundwater flow in permafrost were understood, (ii) appropriate field data was available, and (iii) current models appropriately represent the conceptual models.  The study...

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  • 2016:01 Literature Study on Sparse Channel Interpretation and Modeling

    Channelling has been observed in laboratory and field experiments at various scales. However, it is still an open research issue whether a sparse channel network is likely to be a better model than the fracture ... the flow system in fractured rocks. The present report presents a literature study to bring together information useful for addressing this issue. Several key questions are discussed, namely (a) what are...

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  • 98:11 Undetected Latent Failures of Safety-Related System

    Preliminary Survey of Events in Nuclear Power Plants 1980-1997...

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  • 2021:10 Establishment and use of attention values in environmental fatigue assessments

    reach their original technical design life, re-assessment of the fatigue life of structural components is needed for safe long term operation (LTO). In these re-assessments one must consider that new knowledge ... life must be considered. One common method to verify the fatigue life of structural components subjected to an LWR coolant environment is to use so-called attention values. This simplistic method is beneficial...

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  • 2019:02 Research within technical safeguard at Chalmers University of Technology during 2016-2017

    The Division of Subatomic and Plasma Physics in Chalmers, formerly the Division of Nuclear Engineering, has performed research in nuclear safeguards and non-proliferation since 2004, with support from ... and personnel changes in Chalmers, this research was pursued with limited resources and personnel during 2016-06-30 – 2017-12-31 with a research grant, Dnr SSM2016-662 from SSM, with undersigned (I.P.) as...

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  • 2004:23 From Risk Analysis to the Safety Case. Values in Risk Assessments

    A Report Based on Interviews with Experts in the Nuclear Waste Programs in Sweden and Finland A Report from the RISCOM II Project...

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  • 2018:18 Procedure for Safety Assessment of Components with Defects

    owners have financed Kiwa Inspecta Technology in Sweden to develop a new version of the handbook for assessment of defects. This represents a major update of the former fracture mechanics handbook that was ... Research 2008:01. The procedure in the handbook is based on the British R6-method where the failure mechanisms fracture and plastic collapse are considered for cracked components of metallic materials by evaluating...

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  • 2017:18 FEM analysis of the mechanical integrity for the canister intended for storage of spent nuclear fuel with regard to copper creep ductility

    Background For final storage of spent nuclear fuel it is suggested by the Swedish nuclear fuel and waste management company (SKB) to emplace the nuclear fuel into copper canisters which are surrounded ... emplacement of the canisters Bentonite swelling due to water saturation and hydrostatic pressure build up the canisters will be subjected to compressive loads. The canisters are constructed with a load carrying...

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  • 2017:02 Slow strain rate testing of copper in sulfide rich chloride containing deoxygenated water at 90 °C

    occur in materials from the combined influence of tensile stress and a corrosive environment. It has previously been shown in the literature, that copper can be sensitive to SCC in the presence of sulfide ... well as a material were SCC can occur, SCC could potentially be a problem for the copper canisters intended to be used for final storage of spent nuclear fuel. Testing materials susceptibility of SCC can...

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  • 2008:10 User’s manual for Ecolego Toolbox and the Discretization Block

    LInked Models of radiological effects in the Biosphere) was instituted in 2004 to provide SSI with an independent modelling capability when reviewing SKB’s assessment of long-term safety for a geological ... geological repository. Modelling in CLIMB covers all aspects of performance assessment (PA) from near-field releases to radiological consequences in the surface environment. Software used to implement assessment...

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