
Din avgränsning ger 31 träffar.

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  • 2007:44 An Introduction to Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Safeguards

    The compendium at hand will be used both within an outside Sweden as course material. It is partly a result from the work done by TKM (Training and knowledge management), which is a working group within Esarda (European Safeguards Research and Development Association) that on a yearly basis educates students from all over Europe. The intention is that the material shall be used in conjunction...

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  • 2007:05 Development of an Input Model to MELCOR 1.8.5 for Oskarshamn 3 BWR

    An input model has been prepared for the Oskarshamn 3 rector. Demonstrations calculations, at current nominal operating conditions in Oskarshamn 3 for 3300 MW thermal power, were performed for three cases: (1) initial, steady-state conditions, (2) total loss of AC power and (3) large steam line LOCA. The results are presented in the report. 200 Lars Nilsson SKI English...

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  • 2007:37 Identification of Common Cause Initiating Events Using the NEA IRS Database

    The study carried out within the framework of this project is a continuation of work conducted for SKI in 1998 on the identification of Common Cause Initiators based on operational events documented in the NEA Incident Reporting System (IRS). This project covered the events reported in the IRS database with the incident date in the period of 1980- 01-01 – 2006-11-15. The events of highest...

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  • 2007:24 Safety Management in Non-Nuclear Contexts Examples from Swedish Railway Regulatory and Company Perspectives

    The authors describe important features of safety management and the results are modelled according to the systems perspective developed. These are definitions of safety management, the structure of the organizations, organizational change, regulatory and operational activities, safety strategy, threats to safety, information management and feedback, incident and accident reporting, and...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2007:23 On Safety Management, A Frame of Reference for Studies of Safety Management with Examples From Non-Nuclear Contexts of Relevance for Nuclear Safety

    The authors present the theoretical framework. There they also discuss the pros of using the system perspective to build a useful frame of reference of safety management using non- nuclear organizations; this as a way to create models useful for the nuclear power industry but based on general understanding of the concept of safety management. The chosen organizations are used extensively to...

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  • 2007:02 Stakeholder involvement in Swedish nuclear waste management

    This report have attempted to show the development of stakeholder involvement in the siting of a final repository for Sweden’s spent nuclear fuel as resembling something other than a straightforward linear process of improvement and refinement. Stakeholder involvement has developed, over the past 15 years or so, in something more like a patchwork of different shapes and forms. Some of the...

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  • 2007:09 DECOVALEX-THMC - Task C

    This report describes the results of Task C1 of the international DECOVALEX– THMC project devoted to Excavation Damage Zone (EDZ) in argillaceous rock at the Tournemire site in France. Task C of the project is aimed to understand the physical phenomena induced by excavation in the argillaceous rock. The task is to develop adequate numerical models for interpretation of observed damaged zones...

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  • 2007:41 Dependency Analysis Guidence, Nordic/German Working Group on Common cause Failure analysis Phaase 1 project report: Comparison and application to test cases

    The report “Nordic/German Working Group on Common cause Failure analysis. Phase 1 project report: Comparisons and application to test cases” presents a common attempt by the authorities and the utilities to create a methodology and experience base for defence and analysis of dependent failures. The performed benchmark application has shown that how the data is interpreted is of significant...

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  • 2007:17 Spent Fuel Dissolution and Source Term Modelling in Safety Assessment

    SKI is preparing to review the license applications being developed by the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company (SKB) for a final repository for the geological disposal of spent nuclear fuel (SFL-2) in the year 2009. As part of its preparation, SKI is conducting a series of technical workshops on key aspects of the Engineered Barrier System (EBS) and spent fuel. This workshop...

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  • 2007:19 An Applied Study of Implementation of the Advanced Decommissioning Costing Methodology for Intermediate Storage Facility for Spent Fuel in Studsvik, Sweden with special emphasis to the application of the Omega code

    The aim of this applied study has been to describe in a systematic way an appropriate methodological sequence for cost estimation of crucial parameters in decontamination and decommission processes. The work has been limited to older nuclear installations and facilities. Furthermore, it may be envisaged that the process of estimating the parameters of decommissioning is one of the main issues...

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