At the International Conference on Safety Culture in Nuclear Installations, organized by IAEA in 2002, one concluding remark was that the regulators should encourage a sincere interest in safety culture among licensees. In line with this SKI wanted to explore a proactive path to encourage the licensees in their safety culture work. SKI also had the ambition to gain more information on the MTO considerations taken and how the safety work is approached from the top management level in the Swedish nuclear power industry. Furthermore, recent incidents within the Swedish nuclear power industry had made it obvious that safety culture issues have a great impact on a wide range of work practices.
This work was aimed at giving an overview of the Swedish nuclear power industry concerning its safety culture enhancement strivings, and at the same time proactively support these strivings. A specifi c method was used in order to see if this type of method could be effective for achieving the aims.
SKI noted that the project validated the method used and gave a good overview of the quality of licensee safety practices. The project also gave SKI an understanding of the status of senior manager’s safety perspectives within the industry. The nine recommendations given in the report constitutes a pathway for licensees as well as the regulator to tread on in the continuous work to enhance safety.