
Din avgränsning ger 290 träffar.

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  • 2011:04 Evaluation of the Technical Basis for New Proposals of Fatigue Design of Nuclear Components

    During the recent years fatigue analysis procedures for nuclear components have been investigated. The most common method so far has been the American code ASME III. The basis for the current design procedures in ASME III is quite old and has now been evaluated against modern data leading to the proposal of modified design curves. Also the effect of the environment has been the subject of...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2007:20 Internationellt samarbete inom OECD/NEA 2006 avseende nukleär kriticitetssäkerhet

    Deltagande i internationellt samarbete inom OECD/NEA:s Nuclear Science Committee och dess Working Party on Nuclear Criticality Safety har fortsatt under 2006 med stöd av SKI. Inga stora projekt där jag varit mycket aktiv har pågått. Däremot har jag deltagit i arbetet genom granskning av förslag till slutrapporter, vid bedömning av nya projekt samt i fortsatt...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2008:30 A model for fission gas release from mixed oxide nuclear fuel

    Nuclear fuel containing mixed oxide (MOX) pellets have been used since the 1960's. MOX fuel pellets are made from a mixture of uranium and plutonium oxide. MOX allows the large quantities of fissile isotopes produced and remaining in spent nuclear fuel from light water reactors to be recycled. Producing MOX fuel can be seen as a method to more efficiently use the natural uranium since...

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  • SSM Report 2008:01 A combined deterministic and probabilistic procedure for safety assessment of components with cracks – Handbook

    SSM has supported research work for the further development of a previously developed procedure/handbook (SKI Report 99:49) for assessment of detected cracks and tolerance for defect analysis. During the operative use of the handbook it was identified needs to update the deterministic part of the procedure and to introduce a new probabilistic flaw evaluation procedure. Another identified need...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 96:51 The Flooding Incident at the Ågesta Pressurized Heavy Water Nuclear Power Plant

    This report is a Master's thesis in Nuclear Reactor Engineering to be submitted to the SKi (Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate). The work has been performed at the Division of Nuclear Power Safety, KTH,Stockholm. It is an independent investigation of the consequences of the flooding incident at the Agesta HPWR, in Stockholm, Sweden, which occurred on the 1st of May 1969. The issue was raised...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2012:02 Evaluation of activity build-up experiments

    This project aims to understand how the water chemistry affects the activity build-up on surfaces in different systems in Swedish nuclear power plants, which in turn provides information on conditions required to reduce the radiation exposure to power plant staff. The study was done to obtain knowledge about water chemistry conditions preferred to minimize the activity build-up. A number of...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2008:09 The Generalised Ecosystem Modelling Approach in radiological assessment

    An independent modelling capability is required by SSI in order to evaluate dose assessments carried out in Sweden by, amongst others, SKB. The main focus is the evaluation of the long-term radiological safety of radioactive waste repositories for both spent fuel and low-level radioactive waste. To meet the requirement for an independent modelling tool for use in biosphere dose assessments,...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2008:07 Modelling of long term geochemical evolution and study of mechanical perturbation of bentonite buffer of a KBS-3 repository

    PART I: The Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co. (SKB) has recently completed a safety assessment project named SR-Can, related to the KBS-3 disposal concept. In this concept, the waste packages are surrounded by a buffer made of either MX-80 or Deponit CA-N bentonite. Interactions between the buffer and groundwater may modify the buffer composition and thus its containment...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2007:02 Strålmiljön i Sverige

    Rapporten beskriver, och redovisar resultat från, den strålmiljöövervakning som bedrivits i Sverige sedan 1950-talet. Genomsnittliga doser till befolkningen och till speciella befolkningsgrupper redovisas också. En stor del av övervakningen har rört nedfallet och spridningen i ekosystemen av radioaktiva ämnen från de atmosfäriska kärnvapenproven...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2019:20 Assessment of structures subject to concrete pathologies (ASCET), phase 3

    SSM perspective Background ASCET is an international research project initiated by WGIAGE1 OECD2 / NEA3. WGIAGE Concrete subgroup is a working group within the OECD / NEA whose task is to address issues concerning the maintenance of the integrity of concrete structures, proposals for general principles to optimally handle the challenges of integrity, especially with regard to ageing of...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer