
Din avgränsning ger 6 träffar.

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  • 1995:15 Determination of the Neutron and Photon Dose Equivalent at Work Places in Nuclear Facilities of Sweden

    The radiation fields in nuclear power plants consist of a mixture of photons and neutrons of various energies. A detector is usually constructed to respond to one type of radiation only and is usually useful in a limited energy range . .This is especially so for neutrons. Accurate descriptions of the radiation envirorunent are therefore very complicated to obtain. During the last decade great...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 1995:60 Reliability of Piping System Components -Volume 3: A Bibliography of Technical Papers and Reports Related to Piping Reliability

    Reflecting on older analysis practices, passive components failures seldom receive explicit treatment in PSA. to expand the usefulness of PSA and to raise the realism in plant and system models the Swedish Nuclear power Inspectorate has undertaken a multi-year research project to establish a comprehensive passive components database, validate failure rate parameter estimates and model...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 1995:72 Kopparkorrosion i rent syrefritt vatten

    Kopparkorrosion i rent vatten har studerats. Undersökningen är bl a föranledd av artiklar publicerade i Corrosion Science. I dessa artiklar presenterades resultat som visar att koppar kan korrodera i rent vatten i frånvaro av löst syrgas. Koppar oxideras i stället direkt av vattnet under bildning av vätgas. Kvartsprovrör innehållande rent vatten och...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 1995:19 Non-destructive Assay of Spent BWR Fuel with High-resolution Gamma-ray Spectroscopy

    A method, based on high-resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy, has been developed for verification of burnup, cooling time, power history and, to some extent, the initial enrichment of spent BWR fuel. It is shown that, provided that the power history is known and corrected for, bumup and cooling time can be verified with accuracies within 3% and 60 days, respectively, for cooling times up to about...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 95:63 Säkerhets- och strålskyddsläget vid de svenska kärnkraftverken 1994-95

    Enligt proposition 1990/91:88 om energipolitiken skall regeringen varje år i budgetpropositionen redovisa drifts- och säkerhetsförhållanden vid de svenska kärnkraftreaktorerna. Regeringen har i regleringsbrevet uppdragit åt SK! att, i samarbete med Statens strålskyddsinstitut (SS!) årligen senast den 15 november till regeringen redovisa säkerhetsoch...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 1995:70 Crack Characterisation for In-service

    During in-service inspection by non destructive testing the reliability is highly dependent on how the equipment is adjusted to the specific object and to the anticipated crack features. The crack feature and morphology vary widely between different cracking mechanisms and between material types, in which the cracks appear. The major objective of this study was to characterise a number of...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer