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  • Regelverk för slutna strålkällor

    I tabellen nedan finner du de lagar, förordningar och föreskrifter som berör slutna strålkällor. Under tabellen har vi lyft fram några viktiga punkter i våra föreskrifter som rör forskningsarbete med slutna strålkällor.

    Innehållstyp: Artiklar
  • Inneslutningen i en tryckvattenreaktor

    Reaktorinneslutningen är en av de säkerhetsbarriärer som skyddar omgivningen från radioaktiva utsläpp vid en olycka.

    Innehållstyp: Artiklar
  • 2010:25 Modelling Coupled Processes in the Evolution of Repository Engineered Barrier Systems using QPAC-EBS

    Currently in Sweden, the SR-Site safety assessment for a spent nuclear fuel repository is being developed by the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company (SKB). The planned SSM review of this work requires access to a sufficient modelling capability to assess the combined performance of the engineered barriers (spent fuel canister, buffer and backfill) and the natural geosphere...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2018:13 Prestudy - Detectors for variance measurements

    Background The understanding of radiation quality requires knowledge about the energy deposition pattern of ionizing radiation on which models for cellular and sub-cellular damage can be built. Experimental data is fundamental in this context for quality assurance and bench-marking of models and simulations. Direct measurements are also of practical importance for radiation quality...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2010:43 Displacement along extensive deformation zones at the two SKB sites: Forsmark and Laxemar

    The Fennoscandian shield is distinguished by that the exposed bedrock is mainly composed of Precambrian metamorphic and igneous rocks older than a billion or one and a half billion years with few easily distinguished testimonies for the younger history. Large parts of the present ground surface closely coincides with a late Precambrian denudation surface; the sub-Cambrian peneplain.

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2013:35 Technical Note, Rock Mechanics – Confidence of SKB’s models for predicting the occurrence of a damage zone around the excavations – Main Review Phase

    This assignment, performed at Southwest Research Institute, focusses on evaluating SKB’s assessment of potential occurrence of damaged rock zones (also referred to as excavation-damaged zone or EDZ) around underground excavations at the site. This report presents the authors’ evaluation of SKB’s assessment in the specific area based on questions raised by SSM. The evaluation includes...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2009:35 Evaluation of SKB/Posiva’s report on the horizontal alternative of the KBS-3 method

    The KBS-3 method, based on multiple barriers, is the proposed spent fuel disposal method both in Sweden and Finland. The method has two design alternatives: the vertical (KBS-3V) and the horizontal (KBS-3H). SKB and Posiva have conducted a joint research, development and demonstration (RD&D) programme in 2002-2007 with the overall aim of establishing whether the KBS-3H represents a...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2011:07 Workshop on Regulatory Review and Safety Assessment Issues in Repository Licensing

    The Swedish Radiation safety Authority (SSM) is currently developing project plans for the review of the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co’s (SKB) planned license application for a spent nuclear fuel repository in Forsmark and an encapsulation plant in Oskarshamn. In support of the development of these project plans, SSM has carried out several international workshops during 2010...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2018:14 Rapport från SSM:s vetenskapliga råd om ultraviolett strålning 2017

    Strålsäkerhetsmyndighetens UV-vetenskapliga råd lämnar årligen en rapport avseende effekter av ultraviolett strålning. Syftet med rapporterna är att kartlägga det aktuella kunskapsläget, samt att lämna råd till SSM inom olika områden som är av betydelse för förebyggande av hudcancer.

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2009:19 Review of SKB’s Quality Assurance Programme

    SKB is preparing a license application for the construction of a final repository for spent nuclear fuel in Sweden. This application will be supported by the safety assessment SR-Site for the post-closure phase. The assessment of long-term safety is based on a broad range of experimental results from laboratory scale, intermediate scale and up to full scale experiments. It is essential that...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer